Navgujarat Samay – Celebrating the International Day for Women and Girls in Science with more than 80 Students from Nursing and Physiotherapy from JG University. Thanks, American Corner – Ahmedabad to have invited us for the address. Will look forward to a stronger association.
Author: divyang
Young Science Writers’ Program 2019 Garbage can be generally defined as something which was produced by humans which proved to be greatly disastrous for the Earth. There are two types of garbage – Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable.Biodegradable is something that mixes with the soil and is not harmful. On the contrary, we have non-biodegradable waste. It includes...
Young Science Writers’ Program 2019 “We are running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe,” said Elon Musk, the technology entrepreneur. We all know what is Climate Change and what catastrophic changes could follow, but we are...
SciKnowTech Academics – Coursework for Grade 2 Dear Megha ma’am n Sir, Thank you so much for organizing such wonderful Sciknow Fest. This is very unique way of teaching complicated science concepts in Fun filled way. Our conventional education system ends with stress bursting Exams. Where majority of students just mug up and vomit it...
SciKnowTech Academics – Coursework for Grade 2 People who help usOur neighbourhoodOur schoolOur countryPlantsAnimal lifeMy bodyFood, clothing and shelterGood habits and safetyAir, water and weatherRocksForce, work and energyLight and shadowMatterTransport and communicationInstitutions that serve usThe earthOur universeTime Experiential learning unites perception, innovativeness and dynamic collaborations into early years instruction. It permits kids to see reason...
SciKnowTech Academics – Coursework for Grade 3 Living and non-living thingsPlantsAnimalsThe human bodyHomeSafety and first aidOur environmentOur universeMoon phasesRocks, soil and mineralsForce, work and energyLightSoundMatterTransport and communicationMy familyFeeding habits of animalsWater o waterGames we playMaking pots
SciKnowTech Academics – Coursework for Grade 4 PlantsAnimalsThe human bodyFoodClothesSafety and first aidOur environmentOur universeForce, work and energyStates of matterOur familyOur societyLightAir, water and weatherAdaptations in animalsNatural resourcesMy teethEarth’s movementsShadowsKeeping our earth cleanNoise pollutionFood and its componentsHuman Skeletal System
Syllabus: Living & Nom-living things Plants Animal life The Human life Food Health & Hygiene Safety & First-aid Our Environment Water: Every drop counts Air, Water & Weather Our Universe Rocks & Minerals Simple Machines States of Matter Work. Force & Energy Walls tell stories When the earth shook! Whose forests? Like father life daughter...
Physics Measurement of Basic elements Force Motion & Measurement of distances Simple Machines Work & Energy Light, Shadows & Reflection Magnetism: Fun with magnets Electricity & Circuits Chemistry Introduction to Chemistry Nature of Matter Pure & Mixed Substances Water Air : around us Changes in the world around us Rocks & Minerals Components of Food...
SciKnowTech Academics – Coursework for Grade 7 Physics Heat Motion & Time Electric Current & its effects Light Chemistry Acids, Bases & Salts Physical & Chemical changes Waste Water Story Biology Nutrition in Plants Nutrition in Animals Respiration in Organisms Transportation in Animals & Plants Reproduction in Plants General Science Fiber to Fabrics Weather, Climate...