SciKnowTech VIPNET Club

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SciKnowTech is delighted to invite applications for a new Science Club for young learners. The club is registered under VIPNET (Vigyaan Prasar Network of Science Clubs) – a government initiative for connecting science clubs and societies. The club is open for all those who are eager to learn more and wish to be a part of an ever-long science journey. Anyone within the age group of 9 to 22 years can apply to be a part of the amazing science club which we are sure would lead to a positive learning experience. One very simple, yet solid, the reason is the opportunity of becoming part of a national network.

By joining hands and taking part with the club, you would get to…..

  • participate in programmes including trainings and campaigns launched by Vigyan Prasar and/or NCSTC
  • take on an active role in the National Children’s Science Congress (NCSC)
  • be able to get international exposure and recognition through the VPWeb-page on the Internet
  • be entitled to receive enough background material to celebrate important national and international events (or days) that would generate widespread awareness in the society.

So why miss out on such an amazing opportunity, and that too, free of cost!

All my children who are interested can send me their details over WhatsApp!

Eligibility: Grade 4 and above, committed to be regular for Club meetings

VIPNET Club Videos