Composting is the most natural and efficient technique for managing organic waste and making natural fertilizer. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone! Gradually, composting is becoming more and more popular among avid gardeners and backyard farmers. We also have reserved the 29th of May to celebrate this technique and spread awareness about it.
It is the job of science to bring closure to myths and allow us to clearly see the process behind everyday phenomena. Let’s look at some myths about composting and debunk them right here, right now!
Composting at home is not only efficient but also quite pocket-friendly. You only need a good spot with sunlight, organic household kitchen waste, and a compost bin. After a few patient weeks and some regular wetting and turning, you will have a decent amount of fertilizer for your home garden.

Many people consider composting to be too complicated. Why would you want to go through something so complex on top of managing a home when you could just buy high-quality fertilizer from the market? The answer is quite simple. First of all, it isn’t complicated, and second, organic compost is much better for maintaining your soil’s health. Composting sustains the natural cycle of releasing nutrients back into the soil, making it perfect for growing your home-grown plants. Organic matter is dying to break down, and using that to your benefit is as easy as a walk in the park!

But doesn’t it take wayyy too long?
Yes, an open pile of organic matter may take seasons to decompose. Nevertheless, regular turning and tumbling with an efficient composter will provide you with nutrient-rich compost in as few as six weeks.
So, do I not have to follow a very long and complex recipe?
There might be a few complex compost recipes out there. However, you can easily create high-quality compost by simply layering a variety of moist ingredients (kitchen scrap) and dry ingredients (dry leaves).u
Why does compost smell? I just can’t have my backyard smell funny!
The fact, folks, is that it’ll only stink when it’s too wet or if there’s too much nitrogen. Try to keep it covered to prevent rainwater saturation. Think of your pile as a sponge that has to retain only as much water as to keep it wet, and you’ll be able to avoid that funny nitrogen smell in your backyard.
Will my compost pile attract rats/rodents?
Using an enclosed composter is the most sure-shot method to deter vermin. Simply stick to vegetable scraps and yard waste, and do not add meat or dairy to your compost pile.
Yes, jolly good so far, but can I compost if I don’t have space?
Piece of cake! Ever heard of Vermicomposting? It is one of the many ways to compost indoors. Also, if worms aren’t your cup of tea, other alternatives like Electric Composting and Tumbler Composting, which will heat and aerate scraps for indoor composting, are also available.
All in all, while there may be many reasons to think twice before composting, there aren’t many good reasons to not practice it. So start collecting your kitchen waste and make the perfect fertilizer that suits your plant needs!