Many people believe that age brings wisdom, but is it true? You see, wisdom does not differentiate between age, class, gender or race.
At SciKnowTech, the facilitators know better than to judge a book by its age. Our founders have always put exposure at a priority, because they understood well, that Exposure leads to Exploration, and Exploration to Innovation.

At its core, Experiential Learning works on the fundamental principle that exposure is the best teacher of all. Of course, the understanding that longer life means richer wisdom isn’t all wrong, but it surely isn’t universally true. Wisdom is the accumulation of realisations and understanding about the workings of the world based on experiences, knowledge and exposure to the winds of the outside world. Exposing children to life processes brings the best kind of wisdom. This is because it not only helps the child in understanding the day-to-day phenomena but also compels him/her to explore and question the surroundings. This exploration will always lead to some sort of innovation, in one form or the other!

The first few circles a child gets exposed to are the most important in his/her mental development. These circles include the immediate family, friends and the most influential of all, teachers. A child’s intelligence massively depended on the kind of exposure that he/she is provided with. If I never talk about space with you, you might never even think of being a space scientist. If you never question why A is for Apple, you might not be able to understand the relevance of language.

Haven’t we all had that one chapter in our Environmental texts that was all about soil and rocks? Didn’t we all simply indulge in mindless rote-learning to write answers to our tests? It is only after getting the correct exposure to the different kinds of rocks and soils, would a child ‘understand’ it. In fact, Benjamin Franklin very appropriately points out,
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
This holistic learning is what SciKnowTech aims for!
It is not of major consequence, how long we have lived, and how many times we’ve exhaled since birth. However, it is of much greater consequence, what we observed in that time, and how much we explored what’s outside and what’s within. Our philosophy is acronymic of EPIC – Engaging, Practical, Interactive, Creative!

Kids at our institute are wonderful examples of this argument, and they will continue to prove it time and again. With greater exposure, comes greater wisdom.

Practical learning ignites curiosity, which in turn leads to questions, and questions are what give us important answers that will stay with us throughout existence. And perhaps long after we have gone, we will leave behind curious young explorers, who will know better, because of our experiences, who will have one extra waypoint because we did not. Will we then call them having lived a long life? Or should we instead say they would have lived a richer life?