On this Children’s Day, SciKnowTech hosted Mr. Lalit Sharma from Mumbai to present for the first time in Ahmedabad, a session on “Creating Awareness about Science Tourism”.

“Science tourism” is a modern approach that enables any tourist or visitor come home enriched to Appreciate Scientific achievements of the place visited. The event was carried out at AMA (Ahmedabad Management Institute) with overflowing audinece consisting of Parents, Kids, Teachers, Educationist, who where thrilled as to how each and every tourist place can be appreciated from Science angle – may it be “Taj Mahal” or “Hanging Minara”.

Dr. Sharma is managing trustee of Vigyan Setu Foundation and a passionate communicator from Mumbai. He actively promotes science through lectures for children in particular. He has been associated with various science popularization programmes of DST, NTSC, NCSC etc. as a Core Committee Resource Person, Evaluator, Convenor and Member.